Mother's Day outing

A lovely Mother's Day.
Jack, Marianna, Frieda and Simone came over for lunch, bringing flowers and chocolates. Then Ruth, Josh and the boys joined us, and we all went to an afternoon family show by Cabaret Boom Boom in the local community centre. Ruth, Eben and Luca had made a particularly lovely Mother's Day card.
Cabaret Boom Boom are a kind of alternative cabaret group, specialising in mime, clowning, story-telling and allied fun and games. This show had all the best aspects of pantomime and music hall, including plenty of non-scary audience participation.  One act required those taking part to slide a chocolate biscuit from forehead to mouth without using hands....with appropriately  hilarious results.  I'd brought a pack of biscuits with me, as we often need dairy-free snack options on outings, with Luca in mind. So we all had a go during the interval. Jack took some great pictures of this.  My phone photo here was so grainy that it had to be a mono conversion.  Nice memories... I felt very loved and looked-after, and I think that Marianna and Ruth did too.

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