The Remains of the Day

The table after Bengt and Fredrik had been for lunch, to finalise details of Gunilla's funeral. Then spent remainder of the day working out an order of service, and organising folk to read and sending off to funeral folk for printing. Feeling a bit nervous, not done this before. Funerals yes, but not like this, and never in English.

Good job I asked Mike to climb on the table and take this photo, as no others were taken today. Wasn't quick enough to remove the crumpled napkin, though.

- weather being sunny enough to sit outside (though it was touch and go)
- Bengt and Fredrik being such lovely people (as was Gunilla)
- Donald (our UK minister) helping me with what to say

Results of the Portugal elections confusing, here one comment if you're interested - not sure how long the winning party will actually last.

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