Greek Snakeshead

Fritillaria graeca, a variable species, in this case a lovely chequered form.   I have a number of different species in flower at the moment in the cold frames.  Like a lot of flowers quite a lot of them have a strong scent to attract pollinators but Fritillaria are often pollinated by carrion flies ... so the scent is decidedly pungent!

Felling brighter today, no headache and no sign of the virus that threatened yesterday.   This is a pattern that has repeated itself quite often since I had Covid at the end of 2022 ... blah!    Rest is usually restorative so today I took it gently.  Some chores, some admin, a bit of time in the greenhouse where it felt most spring-like.   Meg and I walked from Rhydyronen along the lineside path in the fields to Fach Goch and back, sheep free fields allowing her to run free for a good part of it.   The tracks are very dry mostly as here on the west coast we've had little real rain for a while and recently a drying wind.  Tea and a movie night at Jamie's this evening.  Rain has started late evening  and tomorrow will redress the balance after our dryer spell.

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