Not a bad night's sleep last night.  Still woke up with coughing  fits but not so bad and I slept so yeaah to that.

Caught up on my photobook project today for the U3A camera club next week.  I've actually ordered the book.  I've made up a book of some of the churches I visited last year for my EDPS big project.  I didn't complete it then, partly due to Hubby's op and partly due to the fact that I had a computer blip and lost some of thee work, so got put off.  However on checking this I found photos of most of the churches I visited, just two or three have been lost.  So I've made up a book, yikes.  We're having a discussion at the U3A Camera Club about what we do without images once we've edited them.  This is actually happening at my instigation and to be honest I'm the worse culprit - I share one a day on Blip and show some of the photos to a select few but I never actually get them printed out.  I may have to be changing that for the future and do something with my holiday photos anyway eeek!

It's been a dreich morning, but I found this daffy bending right over onto the ground and thought I'd take the opportunity to photo his trumpet.

That's all from me, do take care and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.

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