Another mizzly day

#2 daughter is still on gardening leave so came up with Sandy her lurcher for a walk. Everything is so wet doing the moor carriage drives seemed the best bet. We did 4.25 miles this morning which was enough for me till I get properly recovered from Covid.

We were glad of the soup I’d made (carrot, broccoli, onion, potato and coriander) when we got back a bit damp.

I’m going to a craft group at Ros’s house tomorrow so have been watching YouTube to remind myself how to do various crochet stitches as it’s over 2 years since I last did bobbles etc.

Thanks for the vote of confidence re the complicated knitting. I re-read the pattern this morning and it’s perfectly clear. The pattern says to work straight for 23cm from first armhole decrease. Not 23” from the bottom of the back! Oops. I’ll master it yet!

Someone in the village opened her door this morning to a young man who produced a knife and asked for her car keys. She is shaken but ok. I don’t know how she managed it but she got him out of the house. The police have been but no luck in finding him. Our local councillor recently sent a strongly worded letter to the Chief Constable as recently young men have walked out the co-op twice and Spar once with armfuls of alcohol and no police appeared to look at CCTV or interview staff etc. It was logged as an incident. The nearest police are 12 miles away. Instead of locals calling these perpetrators scum etc they might like also to look at levels of unemployment and recession in the North East which impacts on increasing crime.

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