
By Grammy


Up at 6:00. Things ran according to plan. I was showered, packed, breakfast eaten and this quince snapped with 5 minutes to spare. There was probably a better branch of quince blooms but I was rushed. I got my blip before we left because my BIL drives on the super highways. My eyes are closed for most of the trip. The ride was mostly uneventful. Traffic was actually sparse for a work day. The weather fully cooperated with plenty of sunshine and mild temps. We had one foolish driver come around a curve on our side of the highway but our BIL was alert and moved to the right to avoid a head on crash. We stopped at the Frostburg restaurant hubby and I frequent. My sister raved about the French fries. And our burgers were delish. We got to the farm around 4:30. Everything is unpacked and Sugar and I are snuggled up with the Kindle. Life is good. Hubby has texted me several photos of little projects he’s completed. He enjoys uninterrupted time. Sending wishes that your day was as nice as ours. Thanks for visiting. Stay safe.
“Ever since
I saw a quince
in perfect bloom
I have to swoon.
Those blushed globe flowers
in both sun and showers
enchant my heart -
and it is their art
as I pass by
to make me stop awhile and sigh.”
Susy Evelyne

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