
The day started way too early for us today, but if Mummy and Daddy will go out partying until 1am we can't really blame the kids for being tired. We went out for a meal in Brussels for a dear friend's birthday and had one of the best nights we've had for a long long time. We ended up in a karaoke bar which was very sad and extremely entertaining at the same time. We were having so much fun that we kept phoning the babysitter asking if she could stay a bit longer!

Olivia had an early morning dance rehearsal as she has her first ever dance show next week in a real theatre on a proper stage and everything - we're all very excited!

From there we drove up to Calais to drive over to the UK for the weekend as I am God Mother at my Niece's Christening. We took a longer route than normal because we had heard about the awful road works between Gent and Ostende. After about one hour of driving my hubby turned to me and said: "You did remember the present didn't you?" Of course I had, I replied smugly. Listen I'm a working mother with a young family with no help or family close by to help and I do marathons for fun; I can therefore do a bit of simple packing, no sweat.

Except I can't.

I hate packing.

I am rubbish at packing.

Yes, I had remembered the present but I had forgotten to pick up his suit and my new dress which were hanging in the front room. We only realised this 30 mins from Calais. Oops. Tempers flared a little and when I tried to lighten the atmosphere by saying I had remembered to pack the travel potty, hubby wasn't amused.

By the time we arrived at the in-laws we had calmed down and were laughing as we had begged and borrowed clothing from family and friends.

Anyhoo back to the photo - this is my kids smothering their little cousin with kisses and Dex kept calling her his sister, bless him (his little pal at the creche has recently acquired a baby sister so this may explain the confusion). It is only the second time that we have met her and she is very cute and so placid. Although the kids were lovely with her they soon became more interested in the dog (which is also a new addition to the family) and the cats and wouldn't leave them alone, poor animals.

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