
I spent half the night fiddling in my phone with the settings, it would take a long time to explain, but my pixel phone is now holding a battery charge without draining faster than a sieve...

Yet similar settings on my iPad mini for the same apps are not a battery drain for my iPad mini. But it does mean I am now without some things I need on my Pixel 4a. For example I had to shut down the cochlear remote control because that was a horrendous battery drain which the Pixel phone kept warning me about, but I need that remote control while I am out to adjust my sound processor. I have no idea if this was a new update within that app on my Pixel phone that caused this malfunction, or a Pixel 4a update.

So, this means my iPad mini will have to travel with me (because the remote control for my sound processor is on there as well) when I am out of the house. Another thing in my already bulky handbag....

And so, my creative which was a line drawing of the river and the two power stations which I was going to add colour to, to make it blue and moody this morning, I now have now put colour and a sunrise which occurs about that point at this time of year....the sunrise is often a dramatic red. I cannot even remotely recreate that effect here.

Nighttime wildlife
Where's that Rat...
16 secs

Still grey skies and raining here.
I am hungry....
Breakfast next.

Have your best kind of day...

I need a sleep because I was working on this most of the night, because I need a working phone...we all do!

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