Painting in SketchClubApp

Well my planned day is now scuppered.
I had done the recycle bags to put out this week, so woke up at 5 am to get them out for 7 am.

Decided to wash my hair. But first cut it (I have cut my hair for decades now, I was never happy with a hairdresser cutting me lopsided, and me having to correct it when I got home). But my arthritis has made that harder and harder for me to do. However, I found a YouTube tutorial on the Butterfly Cut. Actually there were hundreds of rediculous tutorials on this making it complicated. I looked for the shortest video. Basically it involves making 2 ponytails, one for the hair at the front of your head, and the rest of your hair in a ponytail from about the crown of your head

But I can't lift my arms above my head, so a few tweaks needed. Sit on toilet, seat down, rest my elbows on legs for support. Head between legs. Make the two ponytails, and chop the desired length off. I did it dry, because I have cut my hair wet before, and my curly hair shrinks as it dries...
So less than 30 secs for actual holding the scissors to cut, the rest was preparation.

Got up, looked in mirror. Blimey that looks the best haircut yet for me, and it was dead easy. Washed and towel dried it. Decided to have a quick nap before I went out, but it was a long deep sleep of a few hours...

I am still half asleep, so meds collecting and shopping will now have to wait until tomorrow...there'll be no easy parking spaces for me this late now anyway.

Also I am mollycoddling my ancient defunct iPhone. It doesn't work on many things now. But it has a few years precious memories on it which have become more precious over the years. I last tried to extract the photos at the beginning of Covid lockdowns 2020. But nothing at my disposal worked, so I kept that phone charged over the next few years. Yesterday was my last effort before I deleted everything on the phone. I am not going to lose these precious memories, I am not. I found yesterday there was a cloud app on it that had not locked me out of it. Everything else won't let me sign back into anything. But it was laborious uploading a few photos at a time, there were nearly 4,500 photos. I did try going through beforehand but the pics were so tiny I couldn't see what I wanted to keep. Then the app asked me if I wanted to download all the photos from that old iPhone. Yes please I said. Grant me permissions then, the app said. And so I did. This was maybe early afternoon yesterday.

And so when the internet went down on both my phone and my mobile wi fi just before tea time yesterday, I am in total panic mode over this upload.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you can't do this to me after me finally getting the pictures off my old phone. I was scared the app might lock me out because of the interruption of transmission of those photos.

Anyway it carried on constantly uploading, but at a much slower rate than before, a few photos at a time, and then a rest. As of this minute 10.35 am (about 4 hours short of its 24 hour slog so far of getting my precious memories into the cloud), there are 1897 photos and videos pending upload (out of the original 4.500 ) into this cloud app....

I am mollycoddling it, telling it is the most beautiful phone ever and the most wonderful cloud app.....

How long to go now?

Nighttime wildlife video
Cat Jade's night
47 secs

Creative is an ornament in my garden (painted In SketchClubApp) that the rain is eroding away at...

Have your best day...

Time for a cuppa...

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