Carpe diem

By EveryDayMatters

Gneiss Temple in Bangalore

Gneiss Temple in Bangalore

Phew, hard work this conference malarkey !

Time out now - as the conference has finished. The rock is 3000 million years old and a type of granite called Peninsular Gneiss. This is to be found in the Lalbagh botanical gardens in Bangalore. The monument at the top is the Kempegowda tower. This is a fascinating oasis of green calm and tranquility in the centre of a very noisy and over crowded city. There are amazing raptors flying overhead and lots of tame but wild dogs everywhere. The journey here is very cheap, taking a Tuk Tuk (3 wheel cab), but more like a crazy theme park ride without any safety harness !!

p.s. Our very own Duke of Wellington defeated Tipu Sultan over 2 fierce battles to claim India for the British Empire. We have a lot to answer for !!

Extract below from Wikipedia:

Lal Bagh or Lal Bagh Botanical Gardens, meaning The Red Garden in English, is a well known botanical garden in southern Bangalore, India. The garden was originally commissioned by Hyder Ali, the ruler of Mysore, and later finished by his son Tipu Sultan. It has a famous glass house which hosts an annual flower show. Lal Bagh houses India's largest collection of tropical plants, has an aquarium and a lake, and is one of the main tourist attractions in Bangalore.

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