Star Magnolia

Everyone slept in. My sister injured her foot before the trip and hasn’t slept well for a few days. It is swollen and bruised which is not surprising since she dropped the end of a 2x6 board directly on it. That didn’t stop her from working in her garden most of the day. My BIL also worked on removing fallen trees in the hay fields. After cleaning the kitchen, Sugar and I read my Kindle by the fire and later out in the glorious sunshine. The rain and wind have damaged many of the magnolia blooms. This one caught my eye. Hubby crossed off a ton of jobs today as well in preparation of the trip. We are planning an easy homemade pizza dinner. Day one has been a good one. Hope yours was as well. Stay safe. Thanks for dropping by. Cell reception is sporadic. “And the day came when the risk to remain in a tight bud...was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” ~Anais Nin~

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