Tiled Hall Café

Last Monday, Milly had to have some skin removed from her forehead. I suppose it would be considered a minor procedure, but I still think she was pretty brave. 

On that occasion, her mum went with her but today she was having the stitches taken out, so the Minx and I drove over to Leeds to go with her. Happily, everything was exactly as it needed to be.

After that, we went and had a coffee at the Tiled Hall Café in Leeds Arts Gallery. It's a lovely space and it was nice to sit there, soak up the ambience, and catch up with Milly. 

Then it was lunchtime, so we met up with Milly's housemate, and went to eat in a rather nice place called Fint.  

Actually, I've really not seen this part of Leeds, before, and suddenly I could see why Milly likes it so much; it's more quirky, arty, and interesting. I thought I'd been missing something and I was right!

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