Chapel Street

The Minx and her mum went across to visit the miniMinx in Leicester, today, to celebrate Mothers' Day, which left me with a day to myself. 

So, having recorded the radio show, I wandered down to the studio for an afternoon's electronic fun.

I wasn't feeling particularly inspired, so I did one of Yoss's exercises, which is to give yourself an hour, split it into three twenty minute segments, and then create something in each time period: a sound, a melody, whatever. That always gets me going.

I nipped over to the Co-op for lunch, when I took today's photo. For as long as we've lived here, this space has been behind railing while the building was going up. Finally, that's finished and the area has opened up.

And, after a relatively productive afternoon, I met the aforementioned Yoss for a couple of beers. Very nice :-)

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