Nid yw'r ffordd i iechyd yn unionlin

Nid yw'r ffordd i iechyd yn unionlin ~ The road to health is not linear

“Art makes the familiar strange so that it can be freshly perceived. To do this it presents its material in unexpected, even outlandish ways: the shock of the new.”
― Viktor Shklovsky

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Nid yw'r ffordd i iechyd yn unionlin. Cafodd Nor'dzin atglafychiad llai heddiw.  Yn gyffredinol roedd hi’n gryfach ond roedd hi’n teimlo penysgafn ac roedd rhaid iddi hi fynd yn ôl i’r gwely am sbel. Mae'r annwyd hwn wedi bod yn rhyfedd.  Mae Dan wedi bod yn sâl hefyd, ond fi, ar hyn o bryd, wel roeddwn i wedi bod yn lwcus. Dydw ii ddim wedi bod yn sâl o gwbl.

Es i i’r pentref i wneud tipyn bach o siopa. Mae’n well gyda fi i wneud siopa mewn symiau bach ar y tro, a does dim ots i fi fynd i’r siopa mwy o weithiau am fwy o bethau.  Es i i’r fynwent hefyd (wrth gwrs) ac yn tynnu amlygiad dwbl wedi'i chylchdroi hon. Mae’n rhyfedd, ond felly hefyd bywyd ar hyn o bryd.

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The road to health is not linear.  Nor'dzin had a minor relapse today. In general she was stronger but she felt dizzy and she had to go back to bed for a while. This cold has been strange. Dan has been ill too, but me, at the moment, well I've been lucky. I haven't been ill at all.

I went to the village to do a little shopping. I prefer to shop in small amounts at a time, and I don't mind going shopping more times for more things. I also went to the cemetery (of course) and took this rotated double exposure. It's strange, but so is life at the moment.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Amlygiad dwbl wedi'i chylchdroi o eglwys
Description (English): A rotated double exposure of a church

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