
When I woke up the ship was still crashing through waves so thought I'd get those sea sick tablets in straight away!!

After breakfast we headed up to the cafe deck and just sit and relax, watching the waves. 

There was a stop at Hammerfest - the most Northern Town in the world. Classed as a town by the number of inhabitants who live here.

There was a quided walk up to a monument but we decided to stay on board as the weather was mizzly and the conditions underfoot a bit slippery.

So, it's looking like a bit of a ship day! 

Never been so relaxed with nothing to do!!!! 

There was an announcement that this evenings sailing was going to get a bit choppy with 2 meter waves. Whilst we were in the lounge there was a big dip and several drinks when flying!! The staff immediately came and cleared it up and offered the guests free replacement. 

Come dinner time it was worse and again, glasses and plates went sliding off tables!!!! I'm glad I dosed up on sea sickness tablets.....!

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