64 F/ 18 C

A change of weather
and a change of plans - more time
to organize now! 


I was up enjoying my coffee at 7:30. Our plein air group was supposed to paint at the Colorado River State Park this morning. There had been a wind advisory posted for today so we've cancelled. No one wants their easel to suddenly take flight. So. I'm home again today. 

The wind is indeed having its way this morning. The palms are all flapping about making that rustling noise. My backyard birds are very careful in flight, just making short hops from perch to perch. 

I walked around to the front of my house to catch the mockingbird high up in my desert acacia tree. It was facing into the wind defiantly like a figurehead on a sailing ship. His music did not pause. 

I discovered some wild purple verbena blooming in my yard near the gate. With all this winter rain we've had, so many dormant seeds have come to life. I've not had verbena in my yard before. I probably have a bird to thank for this. 

I'm still sorting the load to take home. I will putter around in the house today. 

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