Happy Pi Day

It's also World Kidney Day, time to celebrate the survival of those who some years ago would have passed on without the medical care available to us today.

Dialysis went smoothly today and I even was able to watch a movie I enjoyed (Hope Floats) which helped two hours pass pleasantly.  On the way home I stopped to do a grocery pick-up at QFC and then I came home, put away my groceries, and collapsed.  Really tired, bad headache, I'll be heading to bed early tonight.

I wasn't able to wear the compression gloves for sleeping last night, as the pressure was too much, but I wore the thumb splint and it was helpful.  I also wore it during dialysis as well; it felt pretty good.  I can't wear the gloves outside the house because they are too slippery for driving.  When I got home, I had to take off the thumb splint in order to unlock the door and now I don't know where it is.  Hoping I'll find it soon.

Tomorrow I have an appointment to see my PCP, Dr. Li, in person for the first time in months.  I'm concerned that there's been some deterioration in my spine that's affecting how my left leg feels and how I walk.  The good news is that the pathology report came back on the thyroid biopsy and the nodule is benign, so no more worry there.

I took this photo of Mount Rainier from the seventh floor and was pleased that a few birds joined the show.

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