Sunflower Friday

These are too tall to capture well. They are wild growing Jerusalem artichokes (aka sunflower). I thought I had dug them all up. But they are pretty. Thanks for hosting all these years Anni. 

I had an early start to meet two nursing buddies for breakfast. We arranged to meet at Harvest but it wasn’t opened until 8am. So we backtracked to the Hub. Food not as good as previous visits. Michelle is a Clinical Nursing Specialist (diabetes) and Lyn is retired like me. We worked together at the Division of General Practice working in GP surgeries. 

I was intending to go to my old colleague’s funeral at midday but I had tummy upset and decided it was safer to stay home. He was very well know around town and will be missed. Generous and kind and very clever. 

It is World Sleep Day and the Ides of March. The National Asthma Council of Australia has released new sleep resources which should be useful for anyone not being able to sleep due to wheeze. I was invited to assist in the rewriting of the online version of the Asthma Guidelines a few years ago. Our group did just one chapter to look at the current evidence around Exercise and Asthma. It took ages collecting all the research and working out if it was useful. Took months and I had to travel to Melbourne for the meetings. We had help from the academics, doctors, patients and professors in the field. 

The Ides of March is mostly known for the assassination of Julius Caesar. It was the deadline for settling debts in Rome at that time, also for religious ceremonies (some not very nice). 

For the US citizens it was the birthday of RBG in 1933. 

Amazing what you learn if you have a look on the net…

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