Exciting life
After dinner I went for a little walk as some of the heat had gone once the sun set. I have a cuppa, book and some Panadol. Bob usually watches Netflix but I’m not much of a TV, film watcher.
At 10 we met a bunch down on the highway to wave corflutes at passing motorists. You can see us on instagram or Facebook. (Kate Hook. Campaign). Then were shouted a cool drink at a cafe by the campaign organiser. She is a GP but has taken leave to assist. That’s dedication. It was really too hot to be standing out in the sun.
I didn’t do much else. Dropped a gift into Oscar but they were out. He is our newest teenager and turned 13 on the 13th. we now have 6 teenage grandchildren. I really like them at that age but don’t have the parental responsibility of them.
I finished the Anne Cleeves book. It was a good one.
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