
The weather has definitely improved. Today has been gorgeous! To the point where jackets weren't even needed. I'm definitely hopeful for warmer days to come.

We spent the day out as a family. We went for a few walks through some the nearby villages, had lunch out and then decided to go to Gouda. We did a spot of shopping. My parents wanted to get a few things for their property in Uganda. We also got a few vests for Little Man. I don't want him to get cold but I don't want to overheat. So it's easier to put layers on him and then take them off, instead of putting thick shirt and sweaters on him, have him overheat, then get cold.

Caleb popped in briefly for a drink when we got back from Gouda. Little Man really loves his uncle and was thrilled to see him.

This is the town hall in Gouda. We'd stopped for drinks and I couldn't help but take a photo of it, to share with you here.

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