Garden Decorations

We have friends coming round for dinner soon and I wanted to post this before they get here. Little Man and I have spent the day together, as normal, however, my parents have been busy all day with meetings so we've barely seen them. Little Man has been a typical toddler and has been making mischief at a rate of light years. It's been hard work. I know these days and months will fly by and before I know it he'll be in school full time. He refused to go down for a sleep today so I ended up doing the housework whilst keeping an eye on a child who wanted to play in the oven whilst it was off, steal the laundry I was trying to fold up and run off with it, and run past my mum, out the front door, when she got home from her physio appointment. We did go for a walk to the park where he was able to burn off some steam. I think he'll be put to bed very soon.

I was able to take a few photos whilst we were in the garden, today, as it was another gorgeous day, though more overcast than it was yesterday. It's been lovely and I'm hoping that spring is definitely here to stay and that its not what some will call "fool's spring."

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