Wet,Wetter, Wettest

I haven’t seen rain like this for years let alone be out in it. Pavements were awash as down pipes couldn’t cope with the deluge making traversing them seem like gorge walking. Every part of me was soaked, shoes, coat, rucksack and even gloves as I made my way to the St James Quarter  to have a word with O2 who were still billing me after I had left them. With the shop personnel unable to help it was back home to hang on the line listening to half an hour of Muzak before I got to speak to a person in their control centre and got things sorted.

The rain continued to fall as the afternoon passed and  I met up with my Maggie’s group and then my neighbours for the TGIF drinks. Only then did it lessen to allow a watery sun to appear for an hour before the rain re appeared.  
It’s such a pity that this was the weather that greeted my granddaughter and great granddaughter as they arrived in Edinburgh this morning from Sharjah for a short visit. It’s just possible that little Julia will find rain intriguing after the UAE, her mother not so much.

Had Noah still been alive and living in Edinburgh he would have started building another Ark.

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