Never mind the frost on the grass first thing this morning or the fact that my phone said it only felt like 9°, the sun shone out of a wall to wall blue sky for the whole day. How cheering that is to the citizens and tourists alike in the city; it puts a spring into one’s steps. I just wish I had organised to swim this morning but I hadn’t and chewed the fat instead with a neighbour over a pre food shop in trusty M&S.
I did attempt to have lunch in the sunshine at the open door to the patio but the draught was cold enough to force me to close the door. The hordes of people out on the Meadows reclining on the grass and the large crowd listening to some overloud music from a tent at the far side of the park don’t seem to be feeling that draught.
One of the strip lights above my hob went on the blink conveniently when son#1 was in residence this week and he managed to source a replacement for me online. It arrived this morning and needed to be fitted. This required a ladder and the removal of a long glass shelf to access the workings. Initially I messaged son#2 to see if he could manage to pop in and help but then I decided to be the kind of diy woman who manages to climb ladders and be resourceful.
I fitted the new tube and was gutted when it didn’t work but when my neighbour and his brother popped in with news that the latter had become principal teacher at the school on FairIsle, I cornered them and M discovered that there was an on/off switch which I was pushing to no effect when it was actually a rocker one. Small details which separate the stupid from the clever.
My blip is a collage of my travels this morning into town and back.
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