Clematis armandii

This Clematis armandii doesn’t belong to us, it’s growing in our neighbours’ garden, but we get the benefit of its starry flowers every spring as it sprawls across the fence.

I’m feeling very weary tonight. I have been busy preparing for typesetting the order of service for our friend who died recently. He attended our church for over 50 years but after his family business closed he went on to train for the ministry and, after he was ordained, he became a curate at a church a couple of miles away. As a result of these two connections we’re not yet sure at which of the two churches the service of thanksgiving will be held; it may end up being the one that can hold the biggest congregation (which is our church). 

On top of that, we’ve had news that my late cousin’s husband is critically ill, and there have been text messages flying between all the remaining cousins. We seem to have reached the age when we are losing quite a few of our contemporaries and it’s a sad feeling. 

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