The Atom and Eve

My mother self published this book in the early 90s. I’ve been wanting to make it more available since it’s out of print. The publisher really did no editing so there are spelling errors but even so it’s an interesting read. It’s mostly about the years she and Dad were in Los Alamos. Dad was one of the physicists working on the bomb. In fact he was with Groves and Oppenheimer when they chose the site. He didn’t appear in the movie. Nor did Mom. Her book is quite a different take. It’s about life at Los Alamos from the point of view of one of the wives with young children. I was two months old when we moved there and my brother Dave was born there.

The rest of the book is about the years that followed including the trip to Stockholm in 1951 when my dad and uncle both received Nobel Prizes and their wives who were sisters accompanied them.

Currently I’m working with a company that makes audiobooks to have an audio version available. We’ve just started the process and I want to enlist my brothers in the process before we sign any contracts. It would make a good audiobook.

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