Me in my corner

Another minky day rolls round - and another session at Joy Tots - this time accompanied with R&E’s little charge. And we get quite a time to chat as the pair play away after the arty session painting spring flowers made of cardboard.
Back for lunchkins and then back to OT soft play which was almost deserted and surely not long for this world. The glum assistants at the door tell me their boss has told them nothing; meanwhile workies have already cleared out the Britannia shop. 
Later, to the Diggery Dogs and I’m first to arrive - and there’s our favourite corner table. We really need to reserve it. As it is, I have to defend it on my own for some twenty minutes before the pensioner crew start dribbling in. Dribble dribble. Big Phil’s 72nd! My, how we remarked once again, how the years are fairly flying past.

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