Making an Easter bonnet

A busy day as son and family had stayed overnight.
This morning we went to Hampton Court Palace and first went in the maze there. It’s the first time our grandson has done this and he liked leading the way, even if there were lots of dead ends! The gardens were very very busy as this weekend is one of the four this year when people can get into the gardens for free( but not into the Palace)Until a few years ago locals could get in free all year round.Also since COVID restrictions when some of the entrance gates were closed they have not been reopened which means you now can not get in and out the quickest way when coming from Bushy Park which is annoying.

Back at home I made grandson an Easter hat. His mum had already bought things to decorate it which they will do at home tomorrow. Luckily I had some yellow card……which I realise is 10+ years old…acquired before I retired and left work! It may not be perfect but should suffice for one days wear. I hope to get a photo of him wearing it when it is complete.

Daughter and family came over later so we had an early supper for 9. The three children play nicely together which is good.
They have now all gone home so a quiet day for us tomorrow, maybe! 

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