There’s a Price to be Paid

This is what I call rabbit food and is my penance for having eaten a whole Cadbury’s Creme Egg yesterday evening. I know, how could anyone lower their standards to consume all those awful calories and E numbers likely to make one fat, unhealthy and/or  tip one into diabetes2? Well, I am that person, hence my atonement at supper today. I can’t say I’m looking forward to the meal, but all good things come at a cost and that egg was so welcomed by my sweet tooth.

This being Sunday the Coven of Merry Widows met for coffee and an in-depth discussion of the week’s news. The world is a baffling place to us of Gen alpha ( I think we could possibly label ourselves that- the opposite end of the spectrum from Gen z.) We no longer understand the latest cultural mores or the rights of freedom of speech, but we can discuss car emmission exclusion zones, rubbish recycling, the NHS  and not forgetting a dose of organ recital. After 2 hours we had come to some sort of consensus enabling us to go our separate ways. 
Business will be resumed on Wednesday after agreeing to a lunch at Café Andaluz.

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