
By Veronica

I can see forever

Well, as far as the Pyrenees anyway. Disclaimer: this is a guest blip from S. I did take some photos today, but they were very dull and I thought this one was lovely. He went out with his walking group for the first time in many months -- there were only three of them, but it was a glorious day as you can see. I could see the Pyrenees from here too, but not these ones (they were in the Ariège, near Foix). I shopped, started off a loaf with my newly revived starter, and did some household chores.

There was great animation in the square -- the church is having an "evangelical week" and a priest has been here all of the time. Extraordinary -- you're lucky if you see one every three months normally. The church is decorated with bunting, and there's been a mass every day for the last three days. 

The priest wanders round the village drumming up custom by talking to everyone. Today's turnout was astonishing though -- there must have been thirty people. A clue was provided by the tables set up outside the church -- after mass an apero and copious lunch were served. I shouldn't be cynical about the presence of people I had not had down as the religious type. Whenever it threatened to get out of hand, the priest got them to stand in a circle and sing a hymn. But they soon reverted to type and started singing Occitan anthem Se Canto. I'm sure they all enjoyed themselves, with a final flourish being one young man reversing his car into one of the parked cars in the square.

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