The Great Escape....

I was trying to get a little yard work done before winter hits tonight! It is to return tonight....Brrrr. 

I got a bit of debris picked up out back and then started to tackle the winter urns on the front porch...time to dump the dead evergreens, dried up berries, glittery embellishments, and ribbons to make way for pansies...

It seems I had inadvertently left the front door open a crack when I went back into the house for something, as when I returned..there she was...Miss Maggie ..looking just a little sheepish standing by one of the said urns....She is no dummy and knew full well that she was treading on forbidden territory....but also seemed to know that perhaps her transgression could be forgiven by looking cute enough for a photo? 

Perhaps "Hold that pose Maggie, until I grab my camera..I need a blip!" might have been her first clue? 

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