Monkey See...

Monkey Do!  (see extra) ...

Winter has returned....Brrr. On my way back from a dentist appointment, I stopped by the marsh lest there be something photo-worthy to blip...I did not stay long - I was not dressed for this drastic change in temperature...but I did get a kick out of these swans and ducks...

Once back at home, I took the rest of the day off  - mostly from house rental searching (which can be exhausting)  and read instead..My new book The Phoenix Crown came highly recommended by my avid reader friend Mary, so I started that one today..and, as a good book is best read in the company of one's cat, that plan worked well. Maggie was in a sofa-sharing mood for a change! (extra) 

* Note that all soft furniture in this house is covered in cozy afghans and quilts for the comfort of the cat and for the protection of the upholstery from the cat! If company should drop by, there is a mad dash to grab those coverings and throw them in the hall closet before opening the door to guests!

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