Curving Camino

After a late night, we eventually had breakfast about midday.

But then decided to redeem the day by going on a favourite walk in Spain, from the Bogaña Bridge. (See here if interested in more about it.) We went round the other way this time, in case we couldn't navigate the river part, but we managed, with a fair bit of scrambling. A lot more water flowing than last time, herons, and a loud chorus of frogs, but no Iberian pigs.

Loved this curvaceous path through the holm oak dehesa. An extra of the abandoned railway bridge, the river white with flowers, and another curvaceous path.

- the peaceful beauty of this place; we saw one person the whole time, a guy herding some cows on an ancient motorbike, on the other side of the river
- managing a decent walk, even though we started late
- the GF loaf Mike has just taken out of the oven, the wild asparagus Paul and Felicity have picked, and the prospect of food

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