Sunshine in a Vase
The forsythia I pruned on Saturday looked glorious as I walked out this morning. An extra of Julia with that wonderful blackthorn in Newhall Valley - we went for a walk after I'd walked Eden up the hill to Playgroup. Hoping so much for labour so she doesn't have to be induced.
Think this is my 4,500th Blip - my aim, as it has always been, to see the beauty in every single day - and be grateful for it. And realising how much the beauty depends on the light.
- this Blip community: each of you who looks, stars, favourites, comments, and all those, behind the scenes, who keep it working so well (trying to spend less time on it during Lent, but not wanting to miss any of the Blips of those friends I follow)
- Sam making us a delicious curry dinner
- a gorgeous, sunny but cold Spring day in England
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