Early Spring Song

I decided to have a restful morning (assisted by the drizzly rain). I heard a mistle thrush singing and grabbed my camera to photograph it - but at the top of a tree it was a bit distant. So I took a picture of the nearest singing chaffinch. They are in full song everywhere at the moment.

D and SiL arrived at Holly early afternoon, having said they weren’t concerned about catching my cold. We FaceTime and WhatsApp regularly, but they’re often abroad (and are briefly between trips now) so the last time we actually met was at Mum’s funeral - and even then I didn’t join the rest of the family for a meal afterwards, to keep J safe. So lots of chat, a brief tour of the area, and then they headed off to find their AirBnB. In the evening we met up at the Wheatsheaf for a meal, rather amazingly my first trip out in the evening from Holly (I keep ticking off firsts at present). I hadn’t realised that Beetham church is illuminated in the evenings, and this evening there was a service on, so it looked wonderful (extra).

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