75 F/ 24 C

Every day has 
some surprise in it - this day
was no exception


I enjoyed my coffee before 8, then headed off to plein air paint at 9:30. P and I had agreed to meet at Martha's Gardens for 10. It was the first morning that felt warm when I first stepped outside. 

My first surprise was discovering a turkey vulture on the road into Martha's Gardens. These birds are carrion-eaters so I think I must have disturbed it feasting on some roadkill. I didn't expect to see it there alone, so I looked about for its friends. There were none that I could see. 

We had a lovely time painting the yard in front of the main building. People stopped to chat and we even had our pictures taken. It is really nice to see an interest in painting 

P and I enjoyed our lunch at Martha's. Monday seems to be a quiet day for them as they don't conduct tours on Mondays. It was sad to say 'see you next season'. 

I drove home via the old highway. Just after I crossed the railway tracks on Fortuna Drive, a speedy roadrunner raced across the road in front of me. That was my second surprise for the day. 

I've put the last load of wash in for this season. Before the sun sets I will pin it out on the clothesline so I can remove the clothesline to the shed tomorrow.

I can pack my art supplies away and will start loading the car tomorrow. 

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