
By Boatmansrobin

Just hanging around ...

..... for a spot of brunch.

It is surprising what you can find in a greenhouse. I was carrying out my morning check on flowers and produce when I spotted this munching its way down a plant pocket. It seemed huge, and very , very long. I was admiring its brown frills when it started to curl upwards - - and then I remembered I don't really like slugs and certainly not when they are munching away at my plants. A beautiful white trailing plant was in tatters. ... summoning help I scooped it off the pocket and handed it over for removal.

The remaining time was spent moving pots and planters out of the way of the workers and we were amazed that our old sun room/conservatory was dismantled and taken away and a new one put up in its place all in one day. It looks great, letting in more sunlight but hopefully being more in temperature control. New types of glass seem to be able to keep things cooler in summer or warmer in winter ... we wait in anticipation.

Our weekend guests arrived safely .. and yes two were frolicking and one yawning! and all looking forward to a run on the beach tomorrow. Hope the weather stays fine.

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