Clifftop camellia

I had an appointment at Atlantis Leisure this morning, having told them that I was temporarily giving up my gym visits owing to the fact that I was doing more harm than good to my dodgy hip. We had a chat and went through all the usual questions and form fillings - I'm going to see how I feel in a month or so.

Afterwards I continued down to the seafront, had a chat with a friend who dashed out of a restaurant to ask my opinion about some trees in his garden, went on to buy a paper and have another chat with a friend in Tesco's, then strolled slowly home. My Blip today is of a lovely camellia flowering up at the top of Jacob's Ladder. The house in whose garden it grows is known jovially as Suicide Cottage, but only, as far as I know, because it's perched on the edge of a high cliff!

Contractors are digging up our road to put in new sewage pipes, and I stopped for (yet another) chat! Good job the boss wasn't there - they turned off the digger and we discussed the likelihood or otherwise of digging up anything interesting in the road. It turned out that one of them was a keen detectorist! You never know what comes of a chat!

The sun was still shining when I arrived home, so I sat out on the deck for a while. We're very lucky living here - on this corner of the deck outside the sitting room window we're not overlooked by anyone, and can listen to the birds and watch the red squirrels in the surrounding trees. Wonderful! Then I did some more potting and top dressing - no cats this time!

Random Quote of the Day: 'I want nothing to do with any religion concerned with keeping the masses satisfied to live in hunger, filth and ignorance.' - Jawaharlal Nehru.

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