Astrological Spring

I continued my clutter clearing mission, making slow but reasonably good progress. In the process I discovered a bag of old clothes of Grace's from "before" that I thought had already gone to a charity shop.

Much of the work was fiddly and annoying, like dusting CD cases. I've kept favourites but I rarely listen to CDs now, preferring Spotify and YouTube. We have DVDs and even videos still around. I can't imagine ever watching videos again... I remember when they were the latest technology!

Talking of which, there were several ancient mobile phones too...

There still some stuff in the corner behind a very ancient computer modem but it looks potentially spidery and I was too exhausted to deal with that level of bullsh*t by that point.

Why did we think it was a good idea to keep all this crap?

So I had lunch and then went out for a walk to get more steps, as all the work plus doing the bins only yielded a paltry 2000! 

I took photos as I walked , and this seems the most appropriate for the occasion of Astrological Spring, which I only know that it is because the local news weather man mentioned it!

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