
A gentle day with a ride out on Morrigan, while Janet stayed home in the garden. No hints on where I might have ridden, but here's an owl in search of its prey...! Fairly far from the camera, but, you know... owl! :-)

I am kind of surprised they're still hunting the field, as I was led to believe they migrate north after winter. Mind, winter was messy and wet and spring turned out to be remarkably similar; perhaps they're simply confused...

As are people who insist on using electricity but refuse to countenance overhead power lines... Although I'm out of the industry now and have been for a while, the physics doesn't change. I feel like this argument needs shutting down.

If you bury cables they get hot when you pass current through them. So you need more cables to take the power (more copper, more expensive). The land over which the cables are laid is also effectively taken out of use for farming or housing.

Maybe we simply need to turn off the AI data centres.

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