Views of my world

By rosamund


As promised, here are all the goodies I bought at Woolfest yesterday. The emphasis is very much on weaving and spinning to make yarns with which to weave. I'm delighted with everything and actually made a start today. I've warped up the knitters loom for the third time in a week, this time in shades of blue, grey and silver. I also spun some silk hankies and silk noil which I plied with linen as there will be quite a lot of both silk and linen in the finished piece.

The rest of the day was very relaxing, I dropped the kids at their dads in the morning then spent an hour with Karen in the wool shop then an hour with Louise in the art gallery. Carlos and I went out for lunch then did some shopping for him, he got new glasses and clothes.

I'm quite tired now, think yesterday's adventure has finally caught up with me. Another chill out day tomorrow will see me refreshed for our trip to Carradale on Monday, can't wait!

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