A wet walk

It's been mizzly and drizzly all day, so this afternoon we didn't really have much of an idea of where to go for my walk. Does anyone else do that? …...........Set off on a walk with absolutely no idea of where they're going?...................

Anyway after about an hour of walking we ended up near Inverleith Park so Ann said, 'Trixie, lets go into the park and you can have some run about time.' So that is what we did. I found a rather lovely stick (in this Blip) and had a good run about. Unfortunately because the grass was very wet, I ended up with a very muddy tummy.

After that, we walked for about another 45 mins but Ann was getting very wet and she was fed up of the walk so we jumped on a bus and came home!!

…...............And the rest of the day has been taken up with me having snooze time and Ann sorting out all her household finances. She's feeling very virtuous now, especially as she's managed to sort out two lots of house/buildings insurance and save herself hundreds of pounds. 

Mini rant!!! Why is there NO discount for loyalty these days? A human sticks with the same insurance company for a few years (because it's easier) and then they discover that they are paying way more than they should be. It was the same when she renewed her car insurance last August. All of a sudden they wanted her to pay £150 more, so then she had to shop around for something cheaper. It's a hassle and it takes up a lot of time. But I guess that's why they do it. They know people can't be bothered. Well not my human?!!! She's saved loads of money today just by shopping around. That means more treats for her and more treats for me. Yay!

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