Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Granton Gasworks

This afternoon we jumped on a no. 38 bus and went to it's terminus at West Granton and were amazed to see that the 'gas thing' (that has been under plastic covering and scaffolding forever), has been restored and is now a 'historical monument', which hopefully by the end of the year will include a park and a recreational space, both in the area around it and in the middle of it.

All the 'blurb' about it says that it will be completed by late 2024/early 2025, so obviously that is a big fat lie, because apart from the 'gas thing' being painted, the area around it is still a derelict bit of wasteland. …..........And we all know what lives in wasteland where the prickly bushes are, don't we? …............Bunnies. Yay!

We walked through the Forthquarter Park to get down onto the esplanade to walk along to Cramond and guess what I did? …..........I was sooooooo naughty?! I could smell that bunnies were in the area by the 'gas thingy', but that was behind a fence. Mmmmmm.................. I found a hole in the fence so I squeezed myself through it and went running around looking for bunnies. Ann was furious!!! She was calling and calling me, but I just ignored her until I was sure that there were no bunnies around to chase. They must have all been down their burrows. And then I came zooming straight back to her, but by that time she was really annoyed with me, so I had to go back onto my lead until we got to the esplanade.

Walked along to Cramond and then we found a new route back through the fields to Silverknowes. I had to go back on my lead to walk back to the gas works to get a bus home.

The bus home took forever because by then it was rush hour and most of Edinburgh roads are being dug up so there's massive delays everywhere. Must be the council trying to use up all their money before April???

Loving our Edinburgh walks, but I'm a bit flaked out now!!!

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