
By Jackyt

Fun with the girls

Decided not to run with my friends as they were doing 7 miles on the road. Took the dogs into Spittal woods and did just over 5km.
It was quite warm as the temperature has increased from 9 to 13 over the last couple of days. Keely doesn't feel it, but Dina just won't slow down. Felt better after running, as I was a little apprehensive following my trip and needed to have a run on rough ground with Dina. We are racing at the weekend around the lake where I fell.
Went mantrailing tonight with Keely, Andy was going to give us another aged trail, but she wasn't her normal self on her first trail, very distracted. We put it down to possible tiredness from the run this morning, but she was back to normal on her second trail

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