Sunset Strip

Persephone, daughter of Zeus was abducted by her uncle Hades, who was in love with her, and taken to the underworld. Her mother, Demeter, distraught at the loss of her daughter, stopped the earth from growing anything - and people began to starve. Zeus forced Hades to give up Persephone, but Hades tricked her into eating seeds of pomegranate, the fruit of the underworld. In consequence, Persephone must return to the underworld for six months each year, emerging again in spring. Thus she is counted the goddess of spring, growing things and particularly grain, which is buried below the ground, grows for six months and is then cut down

Squeezed between the brewery tower, the roof apex of the malt store room, the malt elevator, our neighbour's roof and advancing cloud; partly obscured by a telegraph pole*, a tensioning cable and a birch tree: the first hint of a sunset that is visible from the house this year. Since it is the equinox, that must mean we have three months of watching it move left to right, and three months of watching it move right to left, before it disappears behind the tower again, our own personal Persephone

[*Actutally our power supply, which passes around three sides of our house, for some reason, with poles in all directions. I have never complained

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