Two laptops?

As Phin was at doggy daycare today it gave me plenty of time to sort out washing, ironing and wash the windows downstairs. I also managed to clean the inside of the caravan and wipe round all the lockers.

After lunch I decided I wasn’t happy with my waistcoat so have started to deconstruct it and will block the squares before reassembling. It will give me the chance to think about the edging I want to use and to extend the side panels as it was a little beat on. Guess who didn’t check the sizing before she started making it?

Rick choice was excellent tonight. We ran through our repertoire for our end of term concert on Saturday and got the moves worked out too.

Loved the TinyTuesday entries I saw yesterday. I’ll take a final look tomorrow and post my choices. Thanks for taking part.

The two laptops are our newest one and the ancient one which are both needed for some kind of project Mr PHL is working on.

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