
By jmules

I have a question Mark

Today was another exciting, busy day! I woke up and went for a bike ride with Shannyn to the beach, hence this collection of pictures. When we got there this woman from Newsday asked us to do another pass by so she could take a picture for an article they're doing about the renovated path, so of course we said yes. And then we went down this slightly sketchy path, but not really that sketchy, towards the building that I call Stone Henge in the upper left picture. It was really cool. It looks like is used to be a snack shack of some sort, but now it's all damaged and graffitied (also above). I think it got a lot of damage from Sandy herself too. We also walked the new boardwalk for a bit. A lovely ride, but no Santa day hopefully!
After that my family and I headed to my uncles 50th birthday party! There were so many people there and but was really nice to hang out my cousins. The rain held off thankfully, it actually wound up being a really hot day, especially if you were directly in the sun (well duh). These weather apps that said it was going to rain, thunder, and lightning for a week are full of it. And frankly I'm a little upset. I love a good thunder storm!
And to end the night I went to Lauren's house and just hung out with some of my friends!!

g'day! 19 days left!!!! Maybe I should start thinking about packing!

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