
By Marionb

Snow's a-Comin'

The white stuff was scheduled to blow in this afternoon...and threatening to stay on the ground...March is becoming more like a lion than we had thought it would..We got so used to that mild weather, we thought spring had arrived.  Alas.... not!

After meeting my friend Noreen for breakfast this morning, I took a detour down to the lake before heading home; storms approaching over the lake often provide interesting blips. The outlook this time was quite bleak...and very I did not dither!  

Also en route home from breakfast, I dropped off a box of donations at the Salvation Army Thrift store and managed to come home with only 2 items...(meaning I dropped off more than I took home this time! ) A lovely salad bowl - perfect for a springtime table setting was just too hard to resist..and a small blue vase will be a perfect touch for the day I bring out my quilt of Caribbean colours in early summer...Always thinking ahead....heh heh..and aways on the hunt! 

So.. the snow did arrive and the garden is white again...Hope my daffodils are hardy as they were getting close to blooming! 

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