I Am Queen...

..of All I Survey....

Well it seems that Maggie's monthly arthritis needles are working. Today she ran across the room, took a flying leap onto the arm chair, then onto the book shelf and finally up onto the mantel..took a leisurely stroll across the mantel checking out the china en route, posed for a "Look Mom" photo, and then set herself down for a wee rest..after which, she managed to reverse her route without knocking a single thing over!  I am in awe....

...in awe of her agility but also of the fact that this did not seem like it was her first trip across the mantel?... Nary a stumble or moment of hesitation?...She has done this before...the little devil must have  been practising behind my back...and now that she has it down pat, is showing me what she can do! I wonder and fear what other amazing tricks she has been working on in my absence... will the kitchen counter be next? Never underestimate a cat....

On another subject... winter has returned, bringing snow flurries and bitterly cold winds with it. The birds sensed it coming..A huge flock (or gang) of greedy starlings descended on my feeders in a rush to get some sustenance before the storm, forcing our local resident songbirds off the feeders, making it impossible for them to get their share. 

Those starling bullies really do annoy me. I ended up putting out little piles of seeds on the deck for the songbirds..out of the wind, near the patio door where I could monitor who got to eat..and many took advantage.. As usual, after a starling invasion, all the feeders are empty and as I am low on seed, a little jaunt to the feed store in a nearby town is warranted... I wonder if they have birdseed that songbirds like but starlings do not? 

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