As it was such a beautiful Spring Day, Mr. HCB suggested that we went out for a walk.  I wasn’t that convinced, but he suggested The Town Gardens, a local park where there were lots of seats in case I felt tired - he is so kind and thoughtful!

It was great to be out and we both enjoyed it - not only did we see all these beautiful flowers, but I also used my Merlin Bird app and we heard at least ten different birds, although with such tall trees, we didn’t see that many - they were well hidden, but it was lovely sitting in the sun and just listening to them all.

The other thing that we noticed was that the various flowers blooming were happy to share their perfume with us, so we enjoyed viburnum, hyacinth and the most beautiful of all was the top left, a wonderful Daphne, which reminded me of a very dear friend.  I don’t think I have ever noticed so many different perfumes and it was a real delight.

We also saw Stewart, a friend from Church, who works in The Town Gardens, so that was a bonus too.

There were lots of people around, particularly mothers with children and we saw several school parties wending their way round, noticing the leaves just emerging on the trees and also enjoying the open air.  

So thank you, Mr. HCB, for persuading me to go out - sometimes it really is worth the effort, even if I did sleep for two hours when we got back.

Many thanks to all of you for your kind comments, stars, hearts and prayers, all of which are much appreciated.  M xx

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