
Phin had a six monthly check up at the vets today and he was so excited to realise where we were. They’re all such lovely people and there is a mutual appreciation society thing going on between Phin and the staff!

He’s very healthy but a tad over weight so we’re under instructions to cut his dry food intake by 30g a day. Hopefully it will make a difference!

We heard from our travel agent about the transatlantic crossing were booked into in November. Our return flights from New York have been allocated back to Heathrow. It promoted a lot of conversation about how we travel to and from Southampton/Hesthriw. Mr PHL was keen to take the sleeper but it’s just not practical and is also very expensive. We’ve decided to drive to Heathrow, stay overnight and leave the car and take the bus to Southampton. That way the car will be where we need to be once we fly back.

Mr PHL took the caravan back to the storage yard after lunch and I took Phin along the railway path. We managed just over 5 miles.

Phin is now snoozing on the bed whilst I catch up on blip. Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting AbstractThursday. A bit of an EB a close up of my berberus plant which lives in the bathroom.

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